Neutral refractories are mainly composed of alumina, chrome oxide or carbon. More than 95% alumina containing corundum is a good refractory material with a wide range of uses. Silicon carbide furnace tube Chrome brick with chromium oxide as the main component has good corrosion resistance to steel slag, but is resistant to thermal shock.


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Classification of refractory materials

Time:2019-11-21 10:06:25Browse volume:

Neutral refractories are mainly composed of alumina, chrome oxide or carbon. More than 95% alumina containing corundum is a good refractory material with a wide range of uses. Silicon Carbide Furnace Chromium brick with chromium oxide as the main component has good corrosion resistance to steel slag, but has poor thermal shock resistance and low temperature deformation temperature. Carbon refractories are carbon bricks, graphite products and silicon carbide products. They have low thermal expansion coefficient, high thermal conductivity, good heat-resistant vibration resistance, high temperature strength, resistance to acid and alkali and salt erosion, and no metal and slag. Wetting, light weight. It is widely used as a high-temperature furnace lining material, and also used as an autoclave lining for petroleum and chemical industry.

The basic refractory material is mainly composed of magnesium oxide and calcium oxide, and magnesium brick is commonly used. Corundum mullite 鎂 鎂 Magnesium brick containing 80% to 85% of magnesia, has good resistance to alkaline slag and iron slag, and has higher refractoriness than clay bricks and silica bricks. Mainly used in open hearth furnaces, oxygen blowing converters, electric furnaces, non-ferrous metal smelting equipment and some high temperature equipment.