In recent years, major changes have taken place in the world refractory industry. On the one hand, due to technological advances in the user industry, changes in processes and equipment (such as increased steelmaking in electric furnaces) and improvements in refractory materials themselves, refractory consumption has decreased year by year; in the past 20 years, the average annual consumption per ton of steel refractories has decreased. 5 kg.


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Refractory industry will develop high-purity raw materials for the next 5 years

Time:2019-10-16 17:48:56Browse volume:

In recent years, major changes have taken place in the world refractory industry. On the one hand, due to technological advances in the user industry, changes in processes and equipment (such as increased steelmaking in electric furnaces) and improvements in refractory materials themselves, refractory consumption has decreased year by year; in the past 20 years, the average annual consumption per ton of steel refractories has decreased. 5 kg. It is predicted that the average annual consumption per ton of steel refractory material in the next five years will decrease by about 0.5 to 1.0 kg. By 2020, the single consumption of ton steel refractories in China's steel industry will drop to 28 kg. Based on the output of 130 million tons of steel, the market capacity of refractories for China's steel industry will drop from more than 4 million tons in the past two years to more than 3.6 million tons in 2020.

On the other hand, fierce competition has diversified refractory materials, performance and quality have improved significantly, and refractory companies have strengthened their service awareness and capabilities. Many small and medium-sized enterprises that are uncompetitive and have no modern enterprise management awareness have gone bankrupt, and mergers and acquisitions have been raging. At the same time, due to stricter environmental requirements, they are forced to produce only high value-added products or export technology, and will be bulk products. China has no doubt more opportunities due to its unique advantages in raw materials and labor costs.